Fedakarlıkta algılanan zarar ölçeği ve fedakarlık doyum ölçeği'nin Türkçe'ye adaptasyonu

Turkish adaptation of perceived sacrifice harmfulness scale and satisfaction with sacrifice scale

Abstract: The aim of the present study was to investigate the validity and the reliability of two scales used to examine how individuals perceive their sacrificing behaviors and the extent to which they experience satisfaction through sacrificing. After completing translation and back-translation studies, scales were administered to 108 (66 females, 42 males) and 105 (65 females, 40 males) volunteered married individuals. The results of exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses yielded a one-factor structure for both of the scales. Findings regarding convergent and divergent validity of the scales revealed significant relationships with marital commitment and satisfaction measures and indicated significant gender differences. Internal consistency coefficients were found as acceptable and similar to the original scale values. These results pointed out that the Turkish adaptation of the scales have acceptable psychometric characteristics.


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