Edebiyat Eserlerini Anlamak ve Yorumlamak İçin Farklı Bir Yöntem: Einfühlung Teorisi

Edebiyat Eserlerini Anlamak ve Yorumlamak İçin Farklı Bir Yöntem: Einfühlung Teorisi


As an aesthetic understanding which emerges in Germany in the second half of 19th century, Einfühlüng theory is an important stage especially in the field of subjective aesthetic. “Einfühlung” does not suggest a whole explanation for all aspects of a work of art, but still expands the field of asthetic by criticising and explaining deficiencies of the approaches that ignore the effectiveness of subject. Subject (human), according to Einfühlung theory, identifies with objects with a receptive effectiviness. This identification causes great changes in emotions of the subject. Thus, man knows the external things by a different way and because of them, experiences an “aesthetic transformation” in himself. The ability of man to identify with every kind of object, and to experience them with his own emotions in himself is useful for reception and explanation of literary works from different aspects. “Emphaty”, as translation of “Einfühlung” in English, is frequently used as a popular term in psychology. In this article, it is tried to explain that is impossible to use the terms of “einfühlung” and “emphaty” interchangeably.


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