Summary:This article focuses on the plays, “The Lemon” and “The Picture of a Liar,” which reflect the periods of crisis in Turkey from the 80's on, and the effects of these courses on the individuals. These two plays by Mehmet Baydur are analysed in terms of “being an individual” and “problem of identity,” pointing out the motif of “game playing”. This motif is formed around the idea that the characters in the plays cannot find a way out of the ‘angst' caused by alienation, lack of communication, failure in reaching a complete being, inertia, being unable to face the self and others, and they are led to choose ‘playing games.' The correlation between the conditions in which the characters stand and their deeds are linked to the political concepts of psychology (conformism, non-conformism, resignation, etc.) which are related to the modes of conforming of the individuals in capitalist societies to the community.  
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