Analık Davası ve Garbiyatçı Fantazi

Abstract One of the most influential writers for Turkish Theater, Bertolt Brecht‟s a lot of plays have been adapted by Turkish Writers. One of these adaptations, written by Mehmet Akan, “The Case of Motherhood” which takes “The Caucasian Chalk Circle” as the source text, is at the focus of this study. In the analysis of the relationship between the adaptation and the source text, it can be obviously seen that the adaptation is almost a copy of “The Caucasian Chalk Circle”. On the contrary, the play has a claim that it is only inspired by the Brecht‟s text and transformed into a different play which can be better understood by the Turkish audience. In order to find out the underlying reasons of this paradoxical situation, the concepts of occidentalism and occidental fantasy are referred as the key figures. In this study, initially these concepts, which are also useful to understand the relationship between the text and the time period it was written, are to be briefly summarized. Subsequently, instead of looking at what was adapted, through focusing on what was not adapted, the type of the relation between “The Case of Motherhood” and the intellectual ground, which is to be described with the help of these concepts, is tried to be introduced.
Anahtar Kelimeler:



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