DSS-Based Process Control and FMEA Studies for Different Processes in the Field of Textile

Today, in many textile firms, high defect rates and inefficiency stand out due to the intensive labor in the production processes. For this reason, to be able to detect failure modes and effects, number of defects and defect rates fast and intervene in the process just in time is vital for textile firms. Accelerating feedback by producing accurate and effective quality reports and helping senior management's decision processes will reduce appraisal costs and delivery time. In this study, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis and Statistical Process Control techniques have been integrated with a Decision Support System for different processes of textile. Thanks to the proposed integrated system in the fast fashion/textile sector, defect and/or failures will be prevented or detected on time by determining the sources of error with an effective database and monitoring system. So, process capability will increase by preventing material, operations and human-induced scraps.


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