Kanuni Sultan Süleyman’ın 1538 Tarihli Karaboğdan Seferi Ruznâmesi

Bu makalede Avusturya Milli Kütüphanesinde korunan Türkçe Yazmalardan birinin içinde kayıtlı olan Kanuni Süleyman’ın 1538 tarihinde Boğdan voyvodası Petru Rareş’e karşı düzenlediği Boğdan seferinin bir sureti yayınlanmaktadır. Büyük ihtimalle bu metin J. v. Hammer veya öğrencilerinden biri tarafından istinsah edilmiştir. Özgün metin kayıptır


An Incomplete Agenda of Ottoman Army for Suçeava by Suleiman the Magnificent in 1538 In this article, we publish an Ottoman-Turkish manuscript that showing an agenda of Ottoman army for the castle of Suceava in Moldavia by Suleiman the Magnificent in 1538 against Peter Raresh of Moldavian Vaivoda, kept at the National Library of Austria in Vienna, in the catalogue of Turkish manuscripts. Possibly, this text was copied by J. v. Hammer or his students. This incomplete text was copied most probably by J. V Hammer or one of his students. We explain the agenda of Moldavian military campaign in 1538 which Suleiman the Magnificent dispossessed Vaivode of Moldavia, Petru Raresh of Suceava Castle that was the centre of province and lands of Moldavia near Danube River. The castle of Seçav, Siçav, Sincav, Suçova, Suceava, Sučeava, Suçiova, Sucheava etc. in some Turkish publications is situated in Romania, the city of Suceava, today. We point out that a copy of agenda with minor differences was registered in Münsheatü’sSelâtin of Feridun Bei, one of the important books for the official and literary letters written by Ottoman Sultans in the late of the sixteenth century. However, same text is registered into an Ottoman manuscript maintained in the catalog 327 of Turkish manuscripts of National Library in Vienna and is not quite different from text in Münsheatü’s-Selâtin. According to the agenda of Ottoman Army, Suleiman the Magnificent went to castle of Suceava with a large army on the purpose of conquering. He passed 45 stopping places en route to Suceava. German historian and Orientalist Franz Babinger points out for the first time existence of it and states that publishing of it with other campaigns of Suleiman the Magnificent would be useful. An agenda of this military campaign which is known as campaign of Moldavia (Kara-bogdan) in Ottoman history is probably registered in other Ottoman works written in the sixteenth century. As a matter of fact, in the History of Pechevi, one of the contemporary Ottoman histories written by Ibrahim effendi from Pecs of Hungary in 1641, there is valuable information about this campaign though not day by day. This agenda has an important text because it completes fetih-name (a kind of official Ottoman text that proclaims the conquest of the castle of Suceava to other rulers) for Moldavia published by Romanian historian Aurel Decei in the year of 1953



  • Babinger 1982
  • Franz Babinger, Osmanlı Tarih Yazarları ve Eserleri, Çev. Coşkun Üçok, Ankara, Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı yayınları Peçevi İbrahim efendi, Peçevi Tarihi I, Haz: Bekir Sıtkı Baykal, Ankara, Kültür Bakanlığı Yayınları Aurel Decei, ‘Un ‘Fetih-Name-i Karaboğdan’ (1538) de Nasuh
  • Matrakçı’, 60. Doğum Yılı Münasebetiyle Fuad Köprülü Armağanı, İstanbul, s.113-124
  • Aurel Decei, ‘Boğdan’, İA, Eskişehir 1997, ikinci baskı, s.700
  • Feridun Bey, Münşeatü’s-Selâtin, I, İstanbul 1265-1274
  • Tayyip Gökbilgin, ‘Süleyman I’, İA, cilt 11, Eskişehir, ikinci basım, s.122-123
  • Halil İnalcık, ‘Boghdan’, EI, I.cilt, second edition, Leiden, s.1252-1253
  • Abdülkadir Özcan, ‘Boğdan’, TDV İA, cilt 6, İstanbul, s.269- 271
  • İ. Hakkı Uzunçarşılı, Osmanlı tarihi II cilt, Ankara, Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları