Matija Ban (1818-1903), from Dubrovnik (Ragusa), had been drama writer and engaged intellectual. During his professional life he was strongly attached to the Ottoman Empire and its tradition. As an exponent of the Serbian policy and diplomacy, he had offered totally opposed solutions for improvement of the position of the Serbian population living in the Ottoman Empire: from active advocate of the overthrowing the sultan`s power to the practice ideas regarding the possible reforms. His literary work cannot be separated from his political activities and national intentions. In his dramas with the topic taken from the Serbian national history, to the Ottoman characters, especially to the sultans, he had given the position of the very clever and tolerant people. That was in harmony with the tradition of the Dubrovnik diplomacy, as well as the new position of the newly born Serbian modern state.


  • Матија Бан, Мејрима или Бошњаци, Књигопечатња Др. Данила Медаковића, Нови Сад, 1851. Matija Ban, Car Lazar ili Propast na Kosovu: Tragedija u 5 razdjela , Dubrovnik: Zabavnik Narodne štionice dubrovačke za godinu 1867 , Brzotiskom Antuna Zannoni , Split, 1866, 25 - 144) Matija Ban , Marojica Kaboga , „Slovinac“, 1880, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 . Matija Ban , Knez Nikola Zrinjski : Juna č ka drama u pet č inova , Matica hrvatska , Zagreb , 1888. Матија Бан, Билогија: Таковски устанак, Ускрс Српске Државе , Дела , књига IV , Београд 1889 - 1892 . Матија Бан, Драмски назори , „Глас СКА“, Београд 1891, XXV . [ Antun Fabris ] Matija Ban , „Dubrovnik” kalendar za 1901, 147 – 154. Павле Поповић, Матија Бан и његов књижевни рад у Дубровнику , СКГ, 1903, 431 - 433. Kamila Lucerna, U spomen Matije Bana Dubrovčanina, „Ljetopis JAZU“, 21, 1906, 1 - 49.