Çukurova Üniversitesi Beden E?itimi ve Spor Yüksekokulu Özel Yetenek Synavyny Kazanan ö?rencilerin Genel Ba?arylary ile ÖSS puanlary arasynda ili?kinin incelenmesi

ÖZET Amaç: Bu çaly?ma Çukurova Üniversitesi (Ç.Ü.) Beden E?itimi Spor Yüksekokulu (BESYO) özel yetenek synavyny 2008-2009 yylynda kazanan ö?rencilerin genel ba?arylary ile ÖSS puanlary arasyndaki ili?kinin belirlenmesi amacyyla yapylmy?tyr. Yöntem: Ara?tyrmanyn örneklemini 2008-2009 e?itim-ö?retim döneminde Ç.Ü. Beden E?itimi ve Spor Yüksekokulu özel yetenek synavyna ba?vuran toplam 506 adaydan synavy kazanan n=140 ö?renci olu?turmu?tur. Ö?rencilerin ya? ortalamasy X=20,42±2,46 ve ya?lary (17-30 yyl) arasynda de?i?mektedir. Ö?rencilerin ÖSS puanlary ÖSYM merkezinden; genel ba?ary not ortalamalary ise ö?renci i?lerinden alynarak tespit edilmi?tir. Toplanan veriler SPSS 11.5 paket programy ile analiz edilmi?tir. Analizler, Tek Faktörlü Varyans Analizi ve Regresyon analizi tekni?i ile yapylmy?tyr. Bulgular: Yapylan analizler sonucunda, ÖSS puanlary ve yylsonu GNO puanlary ile pozitif yönde orta düzeyde olumlu yönde ili?kiler gösterirken, OÖBP ile GNO puanlary arasyndaki ili?ki de olumlu yönde ve dü?ük düzeyde oldu?u görülmü?tür. ÖSS puan türleri arasyndaki ili?kiler ise.59 ile.88 arasynda de?i?mektedir. ÖSS-sözel puan ile GNO arasyndaki pozitif ve anlamly bir ili?ki oldu?u görülmektedir (p

Investigation of Association between General Achievement and OSS Scores among Students Achieved Special Ability Exam in Cukurova University Physical Education and Sports Department

Purpose: The main purpose of this study was to determine OSS scores and academic achievement among students succeed in Cukurova University Physical Education and Sports School special ability exam in 2008-2009 academic seasons. Method: The subjects were 140 successful students from 506 candidates in the exam. The average age of the subjects was 20, 42±2, 46 years (min: 17-max: 30). OSS scores of the students were obtained from OSYM center and academic achievement scores (GNO) were obtained from student affairs department. Collected data was analyzed by SPSS 11,5 statistical pack-age program. One-way Anova variance analysis and regression analysis were applied. Finding: As a result of statistical analysis, it was found positive association between OSS and academic achievement scores. Furthermore, there was positive association between middle school graduation score (OÖBP) and GNO scores. Associations among variety of OSS scores were found from .59 to .88. There was positive correlation between OSS verbal scores and GNO. In addition, GNO scores of and of first year rise while OSS verbal score and OÖBP ascend. Discussion: In this study, according to findings GNO positively correlate with OSS verbal scores and OÖBP. As a result of this finding, it may be thought of GNO scores are raising while OSS verbal scores and OÖBP are rising and it may be increase general success of students. Finally, according to us; departments using by means of a special ability exam to accept should take into account this results to take action needed cautions.