Bu ara?tyrmanyn amacy, Elazy? ilinin spor tesisleri ile ilgili mevcut durumunu ortaya çykarmak ve sporla ilgili kurulu?lardan elde edilen veriler y?y?ynda, spor ile ilgili bireylerle tesisler ve araç-gereçleri konusunda görü?meler yaparak, çe?itli anketler düzenleyerek veriler elde etmek ve bu veriler do?rultusunda Swot Analizi yardymy ile ortaya çykan bilgileri de dikkate alarak, spor tesisleri stratejisini belirlemektir. Ara?tyrmada veriler, spor tesisleri ile ilgili çe?itli kaynaklar toplanarak, spor ile ilgili ki?ilerle görü?meler yapylarak ve ara?tyrmacylar tarafyndan geli?tirilen anket kullanylarak elde edilmi?tir. Anket yoluyla elde edilen veriler, SPSS for Windows 13.0 paket programyndan yararlanylarak çözümlenmi?tir. Verilerin çözümlenmesinde frekans analizi, yüzde alma tekni?i kullanylmy?tyr. Ara?tyrmadan elde edilen bulgularda, 3,56 ortalama ile spor tesislerinin yetersizli?i, 3,55 ile spor araç-gereç ve malzeme durumunun yetersizli?i gibi sonuçlar ortaya çykmy?tyr. Sonuç olarak geli?mekte olan iller arasynda bulunan Elazy? ilinde "14 yyl sonra spor tesisleri konusunda nasyl bir Elazy?'da ya?ayaca?yz?" sorusuna kapsamly bir cevap vermek için bu stratejik hedeflerin acilen hayata geçirilmesi gere?i ortaya çykmaktadyr. Bu stratejik hedeflerin gerçekle?tirilmesi için alanynda uzman ki?ilerden kurullar olu?turulmalydyr. Bunun sonucunda, 2023 yylyna kadar bu stratejik hedefler gerçekle?tirildi?i takdirde, Elazy? ili spor tesisleri konusunda en hyzly kalkynan il statüsünde olacak ve di?er illere örnek te?kil etmi? olacaktyr.


The target of this reserach is to reveal the sports facilities that is present in Elazy? and determine the sports institutions strategy by the datas obtained from sports facilities , by talking with a people related about sports , mentioning institutions and their devices and also to obtain datas by taking various polls and in accordance with these datas considering the information by the help of the Swot analysis. The datas in the research were obtained by various resources related abour sports institutions talking with people related about sports and poll developed by researchers.The datas obtained from poll were analysed by the help of Windows 13.0 package programme.Frequency analysis and percentage technique were used while analysing the datas.In the findings obtained from the researches it is concluded that the sports institutions have a deficieny with the percantage of 3,56 and the deficiency of sports device and equipments with the percentage of 3,55. As a result in order to answer comprehensive question '' What will be the situation fourteen years later related about sports institutions in Elazy? '' that is one of the developing cities ? it is needed that these strategic targets have to be implemented instantly. In order to perform these strategic targets committees have to formed by the help of people expert in his area.Consequently If these strategic targets are performed until 2023 Elazy? will be the most deveoping city in respect of sports facilities and it will be an example to the other cities.