Let's Gettem' Moving Together: Building Collaborative Teaching Techniques

Let's Gettem' Moving Together: Building Collaborative Teaching Techniques

Adapted physical educators and special educators work- ing collaboratively are essential for effective teachingof students with disabilities. Some experts believe thatthere is a direct relationship between movement and effective learning. There are others that believe that thisdirect relationship is not clear; but there is an indirectrelationship.In the latter, experts believe that by infusing physical fitness and gross motor activities intolearning pre-academic or academic activities, learningwill increase with the increased motivational level of thestudent. It does not matter if an adapted physical edu- cator or special educator believes in the direct or indi- rect relationship; physical and motor activities with theinfusion of pre-academic and academic skills that havea place in their curriculum. This presentation will focuson activities that can be used by adapted physical educators and special educators.A description of the col- laborative practices and purposeful class activities willbe addressed. Further, the use of technology, such asiPads, will briefly be discussed related to teaching physical activities by adapted physical educators and specialeducators.


  • 1. French, R., & Horvat, M. (1983). Parachute movement activities. Byron, CA: Front Row Experiences.
  • 2. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 2004 (IDEA) (PL 108-446_, 20 U.S.C. 1400 (2204).
  • 3. National Association for Sport and Physical Education. (2013) National Association for Sport and Physical Education. http://www.aahperd.org/naspe/publications/teachingtools/upload/pa-during-school-day.pdf, n.d. Retrieved on: Web. 03 June 2013. .
  • 4. Silliman-French, L. with: Banes, J., Claxton, K., Foster, E., Goldman, D., Hicks, M., Lin, P., Palmer, K., & Schultz, C. (February 22, 2013). Physical and gross Motor Activities for Low-Incidence Populations. Presented at the: 9th Annual Sam Houston Council for Exceptional Children Special Education Conference. Huntsville, TX. Silliman-French, L. with: Busse, S., Dillon, L., Hays, T.,
  • 5. Silliman-French, L. with: Busse, S., Dillon, L., Hays, T., Kanterman, G., Miller, B., & Robinson, L.A., Scurry, T. (February 3, 2012). Let's 'Gettem' Moving: Pre-academic games and activities for the special educator. Presented at the: 8th Annual Sam Houston Council for Exceptional Children Special Education conference. Huntsville, TX.