Implementation of Financial Statement Analysis: The Case of 5 Star Hotel in TRNC

The aim of this study is to analyse the financial statements of a 5-star hotel and casino management company, which is a leader in tourism sector that is the leading sector of TRNC economy and to evaluate whether or not the company is run appropriately. In the study, firstly, we loosely analysed the concept of financial analysis subject. After that, we applied Vertical Analysis on financial statement of year 2018, Horizontal Analysis to financial statements of years 2017 and 2018, Trend Analysis to financial statements of years between 2014 and 2018 and Ratio Analysis to financial statements of years 2017-2018 of the hotel and casino management business. As a result of the financial analysis conducted in the study, we have found the following results: ·         It has been found that the liquidity of the company can satisfy and pay short term debts and liabilities of the company and it is at the level that the company can easily acquire credits if necessary. ·         As the company has stated operating and balance margin, set net and gross margins at a high level for five years consecutively, this indicates that the company is sustaining operation with profitability supply, it uses assets efficiently and beneficially, the company is run well financially. We can understand why this company is a leader in its sector. ·         As the company did not distribute the profits of past years in its equities to partners and left them in the company (auto financing) and used these profits for increasing capital, this increase can be seen after years. Key Words: TRNC Economy, Hotel and Casino Management Businesses, Financial Analysis and Techniques

Implementation of Financial Statement Analysis: The Case of 5 Star Hotel in TRNC

The aim of this study is to analyse the financial statements of a 5-star hotel and casino management company, which is a leader in tourism sector that is the leading sector of TRNC economy and to evaluate whether or not the company is run appropriately. In the study, firstly, we loosely analysed the concept of financial analysis subject. After that, we applied Vertical Analysis on financial statement of year 2018, Horizontal Analysis to financial statements of years 2017 and 2018, Trend Analysis to financial statements of years between 2014 and 2018 and Ratio Analysis to financial statements of years 2017-2018 of the hotel and casino management business. As a result of the financial analysis conducted in the study, we have found the following results: ·         It has been found that the liquidity of the company can satisfy and pay short term debts and liabilities of the company and it is at the level that the company can easily acquire credits if necessary. ·         As the company has stated operating and balance margin, set net and gross margins at a high level for five years consecutively, this indicates that the company is sustaining operation with profitability supply, it uses assets efficiently and beneficially, the company is run well financially. We can understand why this company is a leader in its sector. ·         As the company did not distribute the profits of past years in its equities to partners and left them in the company (auto financing) and used these profits for increasing capital, this increase can be seen after years. Key Words: TRNC Economy, Hotel and Casino Management Businesses, Financial Analysis and Techniques


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