Ageism: College Students' Perceptions about Older People

Old age is generally defined as a social phenomenon accompanied by prejudices, stereotypes and negative images. Despite the arguement that in recent years a social process of positive change is taking place in the perception of the elderly, the negative image is still the most frequent among all age groups, including the young people. This research was planned and carried out to determine college students' perceptions about older people and ageist attitudes towards them. The data were obtained using a questionnaire was administered to students enrolled in different courses at universities in city of Ankara. The convenient sample of 278 volunteers consisted of 141 women and 137 men, ranging in age from 17 to 32 years. Results from the "Froboni Scale of Ageism" suggest that female and male students were quite similar in the ageist behaviors. Findings also stated that altough male students mean scores were some more higher than females', gender was not statistically correlated with ageism.

Ya? Ayrymcyly?y: Üniversite Ö?rencilerinin Ya?lylara Yli?kin Algylary

Ya?lylyk ça?y basmakalyp önyargylar ve olumsuz imaja e?lik eden sosyal bir fenomen olarak tanymlanmaktadyr. Son yyllarda ya?lylyk algysynda olumlu de?i?imlere ili?kin bir tarty?ma olsa da, gençleri içeren tüm ya? gruplary arasynda negatif imaj hala en yaygyndyr. Bu ara?tyrma üniversite ö?rencilerinin ya?ly insanlar ve ya?lyly?a ili?kin algylaryny belirlemek amacy ile planlanmy? ve yürütülmü?tür. Ara?tyrma verileri Ankara'da iki farkly üniversitede kayytly 141'i kyz 137'si erkek olmak üzere ya?lary 17- 32 arasyndaki 278 gönüllü ö?renci üzerinde soru formu kullanylarak elde edilmi?tir. "Froboni Ya? Ayrymcyly?y Ölçe?i" sonuçlary kyz ve erkek ö?rencilerin oldukça benzer ya? ayrymcy davrany?lara sahip olduklaryny göstermektedir. Bulgular ayryca bu tutumlar konusunda erkek ö?rencilerin ortalama puanlarynyn, kyz ö?rencilere oranla daha yüksek oldu?unu ortaya koymakla birlikte toplumsal cinsiyet ya? ayrymcyly?y konusunda istatistiksel olarak ili?kili bulunmamy?tyr.