Investigating into job satisfaction: "Schering drug company branch of Germany in Iran" based on three dimensional model

The main objective of management in every organization is to contribute to the optimal performance within an organization for reaching to other objectives of it. Contribution to the increase of productivity rate is the major proceeding to which the managers of every organization must pay a close attention. Productivity can be assumed as the effective and proper use of human and financial resources, and one of the important factors in increasing the productivity level of employees it their rate of job satisfaction.Since special management systems are applied in Schering Drug Company Branch of Germany in Iran, the employees are in different positions considering their satisfaction rate from their job. Three Dimensional Management Model taking into account three management factors (structure, content, context) is one of the most efficient management approaches. In the present research, the researcher is about to study the job satisfaction condition of employees in Schering Drug Company Branch of Germany in Iran by analyzing the factors influencing Three Dimensional Model, and to offer his executive suggestions for optimizing the current status. This research is an applied research and in case of gathering method of data, it is a descriptive research with a case study method, and it is accomplished in library and field study fashion through giving related questionnaires to 80 employees of the Schering Drug Company Branch of Germany in Iran, which are selected in random sampling method. Findings of the analysis are represented through Chi-Square Distribution method and the research hypothesis that indicate the effectiveness of three dimensional model (structure, content, context) on the job satisfaction of employees of the employees of the aforementioned company were confirmed and accepted.


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