Erythrai Kapı Aslanları

Lion Figures of Erythrai

Erythrai, one of the important cities of Ionia, has always been inhabited since the 9th century B.C. As a result of the commercial contacts and relations with the east following the colonization movements, we witness some innovations in the region. One of these innovations is the frequent use of the lion figures which had never been seen until then, as of the Archaic Period. Erythrai lions, included in our study for investigation, appeared upon the recognition of the late Hitite art in particular. This was because fuctionally the most similar ones of the Erythrai lions were employed on the entiance doors of the late Hitite cities. That the similar ones of these lions twist on the doors as the guardians in Erythrai, an Ionian city, is an obvious indication of the fact that not only the late Hitite artistic qualities but also their religious characteristics were carried over to the Grek culture.


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