"Stüdyo" da Anlatıcı-Kahraman ve İşlevleri

Herro-Narrator and His Functions in "Studio"

"Stüdyo" by Philippe Sollers is a contemporary novel in wich general writing tendencies of the author are exemplified, such matters as existence, nihilism, religion, conformism and insanity are discussed, and the biographies of the French author Rimbaud and German author Holderlin are given in an interconnect "Stüdyo" by Philippe Sollers is a contemporary novel in wich general writing tendencies of the author are exemplified, such matters as existence, nihilism, religion, conformism and insanity are discussed, and the biographies of the French author Rimbaud and German author Holderlin are given in an interconnected manner. Its narrator assumes the roles of both narrator and hero. It is he who builds and directs the narration. The hero-narrator of the novel who dominates the specific discourses in the narration, has active functions in the events' construction and presentation.


Robert Paul, Petit Robert, Paris, 1978, s.1255

Genette Gerard, Figures III, Seuil, Paris, 1972, s.251

Bourneuf Roland, Ouellet Real, L'Univers du roman, P.U.F., Paris, 1975, s.87

Sollers Philippe, Sttldyo, Yapi Kredi Yayınları, istanbul, 1999, s.9

Reuter Yves, Introduction & I'analyse du roman, Bordas, Paris, 1991, s.s.62,63