Making Sense of It All: Values, Relationships and a Way Forward

Policy developments across the world continue to reinforce and intensify the importance of social justice underpinning philosophies and praxis in education. However, the enactment of these policies varies both within and across countries. One aspect that has been generally accepted as orthodoxy in whether schools perpetuate the status quo or contribute to reducing inequalities is the significant role of leadership in promoting social justice in schools...


  • Angelle, P. (2017). Leading Authentically: A New Principal in Challenging Circumstances. Research in Educational Administration & Leadership (REAL), 2(1).
  • Angelle, P. S. (2017). Moving forward. In P. Angelle (Ed.). A Global Perspective of Social Justice Leadership for School Principals (pp. 303-319). Charlotte, NC, USA: Information Age Publishing.
  • Bond, N. (2011). Preparing presesrvice teachers to become teacher leaders. The Educational Forum, 75(4), 280-297. doi:10.1080/00131725.2011.602578
  • Bourdieu, P. (1977). Outline of a theory of practice. Cambridge, U.K: Cambridge University Press.