Social Justice Leaders: Critical Moments in Headteachers’/Principals’ Development

Being a social justice leader makes significant demands on the individual headteacher/principal particularly where there may be conflict, competing demands and significant resistance both within the school and the wider community. There is a question then about what motivates some headteachers to commit to pursuing social justice and equity in their role and what part their own experiences play in their stance around social justice leadership. This article draws from the case studies conducted in Scotland as part of the Social Justice Leadership research strand of the International School Leadership Development Network (ISLDN). In the ISLDN framework the headteacher is characterized at the micro level. The leadership stories illustrate that this micro level is complex and includes not only the practices of these leaders but their stance, personal and professional experiences and continuing professional learning.


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  • English, F. (2008). Towards a theory of social justice/injustice. In I. Bogotch, F. Beachum, J. Blount, J. Brooks, & F. English (Eds.). Radicalizing educational leadership: Dimensions of social justice. (pp. 113-146). Rotterdam, NL: Sense Publishers.
  • Forde, C. (2014). Issues of social justice and fairness in the development of aspiring headteachers: I hadn’t really thought about my values before… In I. Bogotch& C. Shields (Eds.) International Handbook of Social [In] Justice and Educational Leadership. Volume 2 (pp. 1125-1144). London: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-6555-9_56
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