Melamin Reçineli Kağıtla Kaplanmış Yonga Levhanın Çeşitli Malzeme ve Tutkallarla Yüz Yüze Yapışma Direnci

Sonuç olarak; tutkal bazında yapışma direnci en yüksek Pt tutkalında (9,202 N/mm2), en düşük kauçuk tutkalında (6,407 N/mm2 ) elde edilmiştir. Diğer yandan, malzeme bakımından en yüksek sarıçamda (8,550 N/mm2), en düşük MDF’de (7,367 N/mm2) bulunmuştur. Yüz yüze birleştirmede yapışma direnci; en yüksek Pt tutkalı ile yapıştırılan sarıçam ve suntalamda (9,99 N/mm2), en düşük kauçuk tutkalı ile yapıştırılan Doğu kayını ve suntalamda (5,78 N/mm2) çıkmıştır. Buna göre, melamin reçine kağıtla kaplanmış levhalar ile diğer malzemelerin birlikte kullanılarak üretilecek mobilya, mobilya elamanları, kalınlaştırma veya yüz yüze yapışma gerektiren birleştirmelerde Pt tutkalı kullanılması önerilebilir.

Effects of Particleboard Covered with Melamine Resin Paper on the Bonding Strength of Tpyes Material and Adhesives

This study was carried out to determine the surface bonding strength of Particleboards covered with melamine resin papers (laminated particleboard), particleboard covered with melamine resin papers. Particleboards covered with melamine resin papers were commonly used in the last years, associated with wood materials, based boards and particleboards covered with melamine resin papers. For this aim, the test samples prepared from Oriental beech (Fagus orientalis lipsky), Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris lipsky), particleboard, particleboard covered with veneer, Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) and particleboards covered with melamine resin papers were bonded with two component polyurethane adhesive (Pt), one component polurethane adhesive (Desmedur-VTKA (D) and contact (K) adhesives. The samples bonding surfaces of prepared as to BS EN 204 were subjected to bonding strength tests based on BS EN 205. Consequently, considering the adhesives the highest bonding strength was obtained in Pt (9.202N/mm2) whereas the lowest in contact (6.407 N/mm2). Comparison with respect to wood materials exhibited the highest bonding strength in scotch pine (8.550 N/mm2) and the lowest in MDF (7.367 N/mm2). Bonding strength of face to face bonding was found to be highest in beck jointed scotch pine and particleboards covered with melamine resin papers (9.990 N/mm2) whereas the lowest in contact jointed Oriental beech and particleboards covered with melamine resin papers (5.780 N/mm2). Accordingly, Pt adhesives are recommended for face to face bonding and thickening in furniture and furniture elements, made by using particleboard covered with melamine resin papers and other materials