Kriz Yönetimi Açısından Hz. Peygamber’in Göç Sorununa Yaklaşımı Ve Güncel Değeri / The Prophet’s Approach to the Issue of Migration Considering Crisis Management and the Current Value of this Approach / القيمة المعاصرة لأسلوب النبي صلّ اللّه عليه وسلّم في إدارة الأزمات

The Prophet’s Approach to the Issue of Migration Considering Crisis Management and the Current Value of this Approach

İlahiyat Akademi

2016-Sayı: 4


Hz. Peygamber, Hadis/Sünnet, Hicret, Kriz, Kriz Yönetimi

Prophet Mohammed, Hadith/Sunnah, Immigration, Crisis, Crisis Management