Koroner baypas hastalarına, E ve C vitamini verilmesinin, ameliyat sonrası erken dönemdeki etkileri

Serbest radikallere bağlı lipit peroksidasyonu, kalp operasyonları sonrasında görülen metabolik ve ventriküler fonksiyon bozukluklarının sebeplerindendir. Antioksidanlarla bir miktar metabolik ve fonksiyonel düzelme sağlanabilir. E ve C vitamininin etkilerini belirleyebilmek amacıyla elektif koroner baypas olması planlanan 20 hasta iki eşit gruba ayrılarak prospektif, randomize bir çalışma yürütüldü. Operasyon sonrasında miyokardial enzim düzeyleri ve ventrikül fonksiyonları ölçüldü, inotrop ve antiaritmik ilaç gereksinimleri değerlendirildi. Operasyon sonrası 6. saatte, E ve C vitamini alan grupta kardiyak indeksler daha yüksekti (p

Early postoperative effects of supplement by vitamin E and C on coronary by-pass patients

Free radical lipid peroxidation contributes to the abnormal metabolism and ventricular function frequently seen after cardiac operations. Antioxydants may improve metabolic and functional recovery. A prospective, randomized clinical trial was conducted to determine the effects of vitamin E and C in 20 patients who were separated two equal groups undergoing elective coronary bypass operations. Myocardial enzyme levels and ventricular function was assessed after the operation; antiarrythmic and inotrope requirements were recorded. Cardiac indices were higher in vitamin E and C treated groups at 6th hours after the operation (p<0.05). The postoperative creatine kinase MB levels were lower but statistically unsignificant in the patients who received vitamin E and C. In terms of inotrope and antiarrythmic agent requirements, :there was no statistically significant difference between the vitamin E and C treated groups and the control group. We conclude that supplementation with vitamin E and C was useful for coronary by-pass patients who have undergone to cardiopulmonary bypass.
