Çocuklarda oral klonidin premedikasyonunun preoperatif sedasyon, hemodinami ve postoperatif ağrı üzerine etkisi

Çocuklarda Oral Klonidin Premedikasyonunun Preoperatif Sedasyon, Hemodinami ve Postoperatif Ağrı Üzerine Etkisi Alfa-2 adrenerjik reseptör agonisti olan klonidin; sedatif, hemodinamik ve analjezik özellikleri nedeniyle son yıllarda anestezi pratiği ve ağrı tedavisinde kullanımı giderek artan bir ajandır. Bu çalışmada, çocuklarda oral klonidin premedikasyonunun preoperatif sedasyon, intraoperatif hemodinami ve postoperatif ağrı üzerine etkisinin araştırılması amaçlandı. Etik kurul onayı ile 4-12 yaşlarında, ASA I grubundan 40 hasta rasgele iki eşit gruba ayrıldı. Klonidin grubuna indüksiyondan 105 dk önce 4 mg/kg klonidin ve 60 dk önce 0,03 mg/kg atropin oral verildi, kontrol grubu ise premedike edilmedi. Preoperatif sedasyon düzeyi belirlendi. İntraoperatif kalp atım hızı, kan basıncı ve SpO2 0., 5., 10., 15. ve sonra 15 dk.da bir izlendi. Postoperatif ağrı şiddeti 5., 10., 15., 30. ve 60.dk.larda ve daha sonra saatte bir olmak üzere 12 saat izlendi ve analjezik tüketimi kaydedildi. Klonidin grubunda preoperatif sedasyon skoru kontrol grubuna göre daha yüksek (p

The effect of oral clonidine premedication on preoperative sedation, hemodynamics and postoperative pain in children

Clonidine, an alpha-2 adrenoceptor agonist, is an agent recently being used in anaesthesiology because of its sedative, hemodynamic and analgesic properties. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of oral clonidine premedication on preoperative sedation, intraoperative hemodynamics and postoperative pain in children. After obtaining approval from local ethical committee, 40 ASA I, 4-12 aged patients were randomly divided into two equal groups. The patients of clonidine group received 4 mg/kg clonidine and 0,03 mg/kg atropine orally 105 minutes and 60 minutes before anaesthesia induction respectively, while the control group did not receive any premedication. Preoperative sedation level was assessed. Intraoperative heart rate, blood pressure and SpO2, values were monitored at 0., 5th; 10th, 15th and than each 15th minutes. Postoperative pain intensity was assessed at 5th, 10th, 15th, 30th and 60th minutes and than each hour during 12 hours, and analgesic consumption was recorded. Preoperative sedation was better in clonidine group than control (p<0.05). Intra- and postoperative heart rate and blood pressures were significantly reduced in clonidine group. Also postoperative pain and analgesic consumptions were significantly lower in clonidine group compared to control group (p<0.05). Although it causes to significantly decrease on heart rate and blood pressure oral clonidine premedication provides satisfactory sedation, and attenuates the hemodynamic response to intubation, and also reduces postoperative pain and analgesic requirements in children.
