Epidermal growth faktörünün (EGF'nin) yenidoğan farelerin böbrek gelişimi üzerine etkisinin ince yapı düzeyinde incelenmesi

Epidermal Growth Faktör submandibular bezden elde edilen polipeptit yapısında bir hormondur. Pek çok hücrede mitozu uyararak hücre çoğalmasını ve farklanmasını sağlar. Bu çalışmada Epidermal Growth Faktör'ün yenidoğan farelerin böbrek korteksine olan etkisi elektron mikroskobik olarak incelendi. Bu erekle yenidoğan farelere 10 gün süreyle her gün 0.04ml/kg subkutan olarak enjekte edildi.10, 20, 30. günlerde dekapite edilen farelerin böbrekleri çıkarıldı ve incelendi. Sonuçlar Epidermal Growth Faktör'ün yenidoğan farelerin böbrek dokusunda çoğalmayı ve farklanmayı uyardığını gösterdi

The ultrastructural study of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) on kidney tissue in newborn mice

Epidermal Growth Factor is a polypeptide hormone that has been isolated from submandibular glands. Epidermal Growth Factor is widely known to act as a mitogen as well as a differentiation factor in a wide variety of cell types. It causes proliferation and differentiation of epithelial tissue. In this study, we have investigated the effect of Epidermal Growth Factor on the kindey cortex tissue of the newborn mice by using electron microscope. For this purpose, newborn mice were given 0,04 ml/Kg Epidermal Growth Factor and serum physiologic as a control subcutaneously every day for 10 days. Mice were decapitated and kidney tissue samples were examined. It is shown that proliferation and differentiation were stimulated by Epidermal Growth Factor in kidney tissue in newborn mice.
