School Counselor Candidates Perception of Self-Efficacy Regarding Psychological Counseling in Special Education

School Counselor Candidates Perception of Self-Efficacy Regarding Psychological Counseling in Special Education

Abstract This study aims at examining guidance teacher candidates perception of self-efficacy towards psychological counseling and guidance in special education. There are two phases in the study. In the first phase, it was aimed to test the reliability and validity of Guidance Teacher Special Education Self-Efficacy Scale (RÖ- ÖEÖYÖ) developed by Aksoy and Diken (2009a). In the second phase, it was aimed to explore guidance teacher candidates perception of self-efficacy towards psychological counseling and guidance in special education. Data was collected from 1298 students in total who continue their education in Psychological Counseling and Guidance Programs at Educational Faculties in seven different universities in Turkey. Data was collected using the Guidance Teacher Special Education Self-Efficacy Scale (RÖ-ÖEÖYÖ) and Personal Information Form. The results revealed that RÖ-ÖEÖYÖ is a tool that can be used with guidance teacher candidates, male teacher candidates showed higher self-efficacy than female teacher candidates and self- efficacy level increases in accordance with the amount of education received.


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