Bu araştırmanın temel amacı Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı tarafından 2009 yılında yapılan Öğrenci Başarısını Belirleme Sınav (ÖBBS) raporunun Birleşik Komite uygunluğunun belirlenmesidir. Bir meta değerlendirme çalışması olarak, araştırma iki uzman tarafından 27 standart maddesi temel alınarak yürütülmüştür. Araştırmanın verileri araştırmacılar tarafından standart ifadelerine dayalı olarak oluşturulan bir kontrol listesi aracılığıyla toplanmıştır. Toplanan veriler doküman analizine tabi tutularak çözümlenmiştir. Sonuçlar değerlendirme raporunun 11 standardı tamamen karşıladığı, altı standart ifadesini kısmen karşıladığı ve 10 standardı ise hiç karşılamadığını göstermiştir. Bulgular ayrıca raporun yasal ve etik yönden kısmen yararlı; plana göre yürütülmesine göre kısmen uygulanabilir; etkililik ve bilgilendiricilik vb. yönlerden yine kısmen kullanışlı olduğunu; yorumlar, destekli sonuçlar ve ileriye dönük öneriler vb. yönlerden ise yeterli düzeyde olmadığını ortaya koymuştur. Araştırma sonuçlarının yararlı, uygun, elverişli ve doğru değerlendirme raporu hazırlayacak ya da öğrenci değerlendirmeleri yapacak bireylere yardımcı olması beklenmektedir


Education system is one of the basic systems that shape thesocial structure. Like all systems, the education system is made up of certainelements. Each of these elements which are attached to and complement one anotherjust like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle has an important function within theeducation system. These elements constituting the education system are purpose,content, the teaching-learning process and evaluation (Yaşar 2008, 2; Karadüz2009, 193-194). Evaluation, one of these elements, allows determining theapplications carried out in the education system; the functioning of the system; andthe effectiveness of each part that constitutes the system. Johnson and Johnson(2002, 96) state that the purposes of the dimension of evaluation includedetermining the current knowledge and skills of students; monitoring the processexecuted to achieve the educational goals determined with the help of the educationprograms; and making a judgment regarding students’ learning. One of theevaluations made in the education process includes studies regarding theevaluation of education programs, and another one covers evaluation studiescarried out in the instructional process.The evaluation applications carried out for students allow evaluating students’learning as well as their skills, attitudes and study habits (Popham, 2008). In everyphase of the education system, it is necessary to make decisions regarding both thesystem and its elements and those taking charge in the system and the studentsconstituting the basis of the system as well as regarding the applications carriedout, to determine the malfunctions and deficiencies and accordingly to make thenecessary corrections and changes. This is only possible if the necessary decisionsare made as a result of the evaluations regarding instruction, students’achievements, students’ levels of learning and development, student selection andplacement, appropriate educational guidance for students, the curriculum,management of education and teachers (Yaşar 2008, 32; Karadüz 2009, 193-194;Koç, 2007). Evaluation applications carried out for students could have differentpurposes. In general, student evaluations serve such student-oriented functions asrecognizing and placing students, determining students’ deficiencies in learning,revealing the factors effective on the learning process and determining students’levels of learning (Özçelik, 1998; Johnson and Johnson, 2002, 6; Linn andGronlund, 1995, 14). However, whatever purpose or type they are, the evaluationsmade should be correct, valid and reliable to make appropriate decisions.In 1997, the Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation (JCSEE)started studies to determine the standards for student evaluation accepted onnational basis in line with the research results which indicated that there is nostandard for student evaluation at schools and that the things to be evaluated arenot determined in advance in the field of education. As a result of these studiescompleted in 2003, JCSEE developed the Student Evaluation Standards. The Student Evaluation Standards are used to determine how a student evaluationstudy should be carried out, which criteria should be taken into considerationduring the execution of such a study or whether a competed study has beenexecuted as appropriate to the standards determined (Gullickson, 2005 216).As in many countries where the population, the schooling rate and the number ofschool types are rapidly increasing, evaluation systems that allow selecting andplacing students are adopted in almost all educational levels in Turkey. Theseevaluations reveal important results that influence the decisions to be maderegarding such issues as students’ passing the class, their attending upper-leveleducational institutions and their employment. In addition, the evaluations madeplay an important role in teachers’ direct and indirect evaluations, in determiningand developing school programs and in making it possible to pay the price beforethe public. In order to have effective, reliable and valid evaluations that to a greatextent shape and guide the lives of individuals and societies, student evaluationsystems should have a good-quality and systematic structure based on certaincriteria. This is only possible when examinations and evaluations are maderegarding the execution of evaluation activities and applications and regardingsharing of the results obtained and when the evaluation systems are improved withnecessary corrections. In Turkey, there are a number of comprehensive evaluationssuch as public personnel selection examination (KPSS), the transition to highereducation examination (YGS), and student achievement examination (ÖBBS).However, the facts that there is no research examining how these evaluationstudies are conducted and how the results of such studies are shared makes thepresent study important. In this respect, this unique study examined to whatextent the report regarding the exam for determining student achievement in 2009met the standards developed by the Joint Committee on Standards for EducationalEvaluation. The basic purpose of the present study was to determine howappropriate the report regarding the Exam for Determining Student Achievementconducted in 2009 in Turkey is to the Student Evaluation Standards developed byJCSEE.The study was carried out as a meta-evaluation study. In this way, the study triedto reveal the strong and weak aspects of the evaluation report. In order todetermine how appropriate the Exam for Determining Students’ Achievement(EDSA) conducted in 2009 was to the Student Evaluation Standards developed byJCSEE, the secondary school EDSA report prepared in 2009 by the Ministry ofNational Education, EARGED was examined with the “document analysismethod”. The data collection tool used in the study was dev


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