Oğuz-Türk Mitolojik Dünya Modelinin Kurulmasında Kutsal rakamların Rolü ve Özellikleri

Mekalede Oğuz-Türk mitoloj isi ve Oğuz-Türk mitolojik dünya modeli "Oğuz kağan", "Kitab-ı-Dede Korkut" eposlarının motivleri esasında kurulur, "A vesta"

The Role and Functions of Sacral Figures in Creation of Oghuz-Turkish Mythological Earth Model

The Oghuz-Turkish mytho/ogy and oghuz-turkish mythological world model is restored on the hasis of "Oghuz kaghan " and "The Book of Dede Gorgud " epos, compared wirh mythological structures of the "A vesta " work in the article. The cmposition of the structure of mythological world model by figures is shown with factual examp/es. The end of the first stage of Oghıız-tıırkish mythological world model is connected with the hirth of Oghuz 's six sons. Creation of the same structure with six rays of A hur-Mazd is shown in the "A vesta ". in the thought of the oghuz-turkish mythology the important role of the figııre "9 " is alsa reasoned. Oghuz plııs his two wives (one of them is related to the earth. the other one to the sky) plus his six sons is nine. According to the author the main layers of the earth are formed in this stage. At first space-outer: the sun, the moon, and the stars appeared. it 's the first layer of the earth. The vault of heaven, seas and mountains appeared later.


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