A Study on the Evaluation of Developments in the Field of HRM within the Scope of Organization Theories

A Study on the Evaluation of Developments in the Field of HRM within the Scope of Organization Theories

In order to compel the limits of other production factors in competitive environments, there is a need for the full use of the potential of human resources and the use of human creative intelligence and talents. In this case, the organization should be able to develop a holistic understanding or culture to understand, interpret, develop and manage multifaceted, variable, complex, and diverse human behaviors. This understanding includes the human resources approach. It is seen that the evolution in human management passes through the stages of personnel management, human resources management (HRM), and strategic HRM, respectively. It is observed that various approaches in organizational theories are also effective in this development. The aim of this study is to examine the developments in the field of HRM in light of the developments in organizational theories. Organizational theories also contain different approaches within themselves. In this respect, the pioneers of each approach will be discussed and their effects on the development of HRM will be examined. It is aimed to contribute to the field literature with this study since organizational theories and the discipline of HRM have been studied separately so far and there is a lack of study in the literature for comparative consideration of these subjects.


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