The signifance and distribution of glaucophane rocks in Turkey

Öz In this paper, the different concepts concerning the genesis of glaucophane rocks are critically discussed. The stability relations of the minerals occurring in the glaucophane rocks are summarized. Their implications on geological-petrological problems are mentioned. Short descriptions of different types of these rocks and their distribution in Turkey are given. The age relations of the glaucophanitic greenschist facies and the lawsonite-glaucophane facies are evaluated for the different areas of Turkey. It seems highly probable that the lawsonite-glaucophane facies is not only restricted to alpine geosynclines as was recently stated. All observations in the Mihalıççık - Eskişehir - Bursa area are in favor of a metamorphism in the lawsonite-glaucophane and glaucophanitic-greenschist facies of Paleozoic age. The probable reason for the poor development of glaucophane rocks in the alpine geosyncline in Turkey is given


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