1rlanda'da dogup Trinidad'da btiytimti§ Kanadah yazar Shani Mootoo'nun Trinidad'da Hintli bir aile tizerinde odakla§an romam Cereus Pr;egi Gece Ar;ar'm anlat1c1Sl Tyler 9ocuklugundan §oyle bir olay ammsar: Arka kapmm ontindeki basamaklarda oturuyorduk ve ben aile ili§kilerinin ayrmtilar1 tizerine kafa patlattyordum. Merak ediyordum, bir yegen, amcasmm babas1 olabilir miydi? Ya da bir annenin, 9ocuguyla ba§ka herhangi bir akrabahg1 olabilir miydi? Onun babas1 olabilir miydi? ... lnsanm klzkarde§i erkek karde§i de olabilir miydi? Erkek karde§i babas1 olabilir rniydi? Sonunda sigara i9mekte olan nineme sormaya karar verdim .... "Nine, insanm babas1 aym zamanda hem babas1 hem de btiytikbabas1 olabilir mi?" Ninem ba§mI gokytiztinedogru kaldmp burnunu buru§turdu. 


   Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sibel Irz1k: Post-colonial Novel: The Family Secrets of Empires and Nations. Post-colonial novel is marked by a parodic gesture which subverts the family image constituted by the colonial ideology through a playful attitude to incest. In contrast to this playfulness, however, one can detect the traces of the tragic - terror, guilt, and violence - that has been born out of thesame reality. The urge to erase those traces by means of violence is strongly linked with the second axis of the post-colonial narratives, that of national liberation and foundation. The metaphor of incest can, then, be considered to express the founding of nations with clear-cut borders or of empiresover which the sun never sets, and the transformation of communities or the whole world into a familial nightmare. What is recorded as incest on the collective memory is, perhaps, nothing but this tragi-comic possibility.


Farah, Nuruddin. Maps. New York: Pantheon Books, 1986.

Foucault, Michel. The History of Sexuality. <;:ev. Robert Hurley. New York: Vintage Books, 1980.

Marquez, Gabriel Garcia. One Hundred Years of Solitude. <;:ev. Gregory Rabassa. New York: Avon Books, 1970.

Mootoo, Shani. Cereus Blooms at Night. Toronto: Mc Clelland & Stewart, 1996.

Roy, Arundhati. The God of Small Things. New Delhi: India Inc., 1997.

Rushdie, Salman. Midnight's Children. London: Vintage, 1995.