Klasik Arapça Kaynaklarda Eski Mısır Kültürü Araştırmaları

Arap kültürü, VII. yüzyıldan itibaren Ortadoğu'da sağladığı coğrafi genişleme ve elde ettiği siyasi iktidarın ardından dört yüz yıllık bir sürece yayılan kültürel bir aydınlanma da gerçekleştirdi. Bilimsel disiplinlerin kurulduğu bu süreçte Arapça kültürü aydınlarının eski Mısır kültürüne yönelik tutumunun tespiti, Arap kültürü ve Mısır bilim tarihi açısından değer taşır.

A Survey on the Ancient Egyptian Civilization Within the Classical Arabic Culture

Gradually, after the Islamic conquest of Egypt, indication of interest in the remains of the ancient Egyptian had groved among the schoolars of the flourishing Arabic entellectual and cultural movement. Though a totally new world to the Arabic culture, not much time was spent to trace the authentic basis of the knowledge on that exotic civilisation, and soon, survived sentiments and provided legends among the regional people orally, were compiled from early thirth/tenth and fourth/eleventh centuries on. Despite the many obstacles it is not strange to state that the authers in many sorts of written- culture such as history, geography, biography, travel and history of science were positively on behalf of the ancient Egyptian cultural remains. I am to assert as well that in spite of the many injurious occurances, post-Islamic era was more protective for the pharaonic remains, it was not demaging at least compared with some pharaonic periods themselves and with the groving process of Egyptology itself, even if because of the unability to solve the protection system of that remains. In this article I tried to present a concise but sufficient account of the classical Arabic authers on the pharaonic antique remains.


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