Evde Eğitim Uygulaması Üzerine Bir Durum Çalışması: Evde Fen Eğitimi

Bu çalışmada Türkiye’de yürütülen “Evde Fen Eğitimi” uygulamasına örnek bir

A Case Study on Homeschooling Application: Home Science Education

In this study, a sample case of "Home Science Education" in Turkey was examined.The aim of this study is to obtain information on how the implementation is carriedout and what the positive aspects and difficulties of the implementation can be, byexamining a sample case of "Home Science Education" application which has beenimplemented in Turkey since 2010.Participants of the study conducted in the form of a case study in 2011-2012academic year are the girl student who is carried out "Home Science Education", theparent of this student and her science teacher. The data was obtained by documentreview, semi-structured interviews and video recordings. The data obtained at theend of the semi-structured interviews were analyzed by descriptive analysis andcourse records were analyzed by content analysis.At the end of the study, it was determined that the students who could not continueto study due to health problems in Turkey could benefit from "Home Education"during the course hours determined by the special education board. It was observedthat the teacher used different teaching methods and that the student was morepassive in the process. It has been seen that the student has no chance of exchangingideas with his peers and has difficulty understanding some subjects during theimplementation process. It has been determined that the application has a positiveeffect on the cognitive and affective development of the learners and is insufficientin terms of social development. The data obtained as a result of the study are sourcesof science education at home in Turkey for both Turkey and other countries


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