Ulusal Güvenlik ve İstihbarat Sisteminde Geleneksel Anlayıştan Modern ve Değişen İhtiyaçlar Dönemine Geçiş

Bir milletin, güvenli ve iyi koşullarda yaşamını sürdürebilmesi için, ilgili devletin dış

Transition from Traditional Understanding in the National Security and Intelligence System to the Period of Modern and Changing Needs

It is critically important to the nation’s well being that how states’ foreign, defense,and other national security policies are developed, coordinated and implemented. Thisprocess begins with the national agencies responsible for national security andintelligence, culminate with the decision making authorities within the country. Toperform such a critic function, the decision makers need a defined and smoothlyfunctioning policy development and decision-making process. It is evaluated thatbetter to produce laws or regulations directing how policy decisions should be madeother than an extremely broad outline of who should participate in the process, sincemuch depends upon personalities, and the strengths and weaknesses of the people whowork in the intelligence sector, as well as the personality and management style of thedecision makers themselves. This article provides an alternative approach to thenational security decision-making process of the governments and furthermoreanalyzes how the process may be evolved. It describes the current national securityorganizational structures and processes and including intelligence analyzersparticularly also defines the roles of the key departments and agencies, furthermore,when necessary, discusses how the interagency process is incorporating the relativelynew organizational structures associated with security bodies of the state.


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