İlkokul ve Ortaokullarda Öğrenim Gören Öğrencilerin Velilerinin Taşımalı Eğitime İlişkin Görüşleri


In this research, researcher developed some proposolsabout practice of mobile education that appealed at 8 schools with view ofparents in term of education of 2013-2014 in Malatya which primary andsecondary school are in some building.As data collection device, semi- structured data collection deviceis used in this research. Data were collected through interview methodfrom qualitative research methods and evaluated according to descriptiveanalysis metod. In conclusion, it has been shown the opinions of parentson mobile education is generally positive. Parents deems adequatetransportation-centred schools but guide to help staff working in transportis insufficient.It has been suggest that parents expectations should be consideredto be at the desired in level of transportation center school andapplications should be developed in this direction