2023 Cilt: 13 - Sayı: 1
A new approach on approximate controllability of Sobolev-type Hilfer fractional differential equations
Chandan Shukla, Ashwini Kumar Upadhyay, Arun Singh, Ritika Pandey, Anurag Shukla
M-truncated soliton solutions of the fractional (4+1)-dimensional Fokas equation
Neslihan Ozdemir
The null boundary controllability for the Mullins equation with periodic boundary conditions
Işıl Öner
Analysing the market for digital payments in India using the predator-prey model
Vijith Raghavendra, Pundikala VEERASHA
Stability tests and solution estimates for non-linear differential equations
Osman Tunç
The processes with fractional order delay and PI controller design using particle swarm optimization
Hasan Birdane, Münevver Mine Özyetkin
A predator-prey model for the optimal control of fish harvesting through the imposition of a tax
Anal Chatterjee, Samares Pal
Approximate controllability for Riemann-Liouville fractional differential equations
Lavina Sahijwani, Sukavanam Nagarajan
Novel approach for nonlinear time-fractional Sharma-Tasso-Olever equation using Elzaki transform
PRAKASHA D G, Pundikala VEERASHA, Prasanna G D, MALAGI NAVEEN, B.C Prasannakumara
The effect of marketing and R&D expenditures on firm profitability and stock return: Evidence from BIST
Observer design for a class of irreversible port Hamiltonian systems
Mohammed Elarbi Achhab, Saida Zenfari, Mohamed Laabissi
A simple method for studying asymptotic stability of discrete dynamical systems and its applications
Tuan Manh, Thi Kim Quy Ngo, Ha Hai Truong
Certain Saigo type fractional integral inequalities and their q-analogues
Praveen Agarwal, Shaher Momani, Shilpi JAIN, Rahul Goyal
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