M-truncated soliton solutions of the fractional (4+1)-dimensional Fokas equation
M-truncated soliton solutions of the fractional (4+1)-dimensional Fokas equation
This article aims to examine M-truncated soliton solutions of the fractional (4+1)-dimensional Fokas equation (FE), which is a generalization of the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (KP) and Davey-Stewartson (DS) equations. The fractional (4+1)$-dimensional Fokas equation with the M-truncated derivatives is also studied first time in this study. The generalized projective Riccati equations method (GPREM) is successfully implemented. In the application of the presented method, a suitable fractional wave transformation is chosen to convert the proposed model into a nonlinear ordinary differential equation. Then, a linear equation system is acquired utilizing the GPREM, the system is solved, and the suitable solution sets are obtained. Dark and singular soliton solutions are successfully derived. Under the selection of appropriate values of the parameters, 2D, 3D, and contour plots are also displayed for some solutions.
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