Novel approach for nonlinear time-fractional Sharma-Tasso-Olever equation using Elzaki transform
Novel approach for nonlinear time-fractional Sharma-Tasso-Olever equation using Elzaki transform
In this article, we demonstrated the study of the time-fractional nonlinear Sharma-Tasso-Olever (STO) equation with different initial conditions. The novel technique, which is the mixture of the q-homotopy analysis method and the new integral transform known as Elzaki transform called, q-homotopy analysis Elzaki transform method (q-HAETM) implemented to find the adequate approximated solution of the considered problems. The wave solutions of the STO equation play a vital role in the nonlinear wave model for coastal and harbor designs. The demonstration of the considered scheme is done by carrying out some examples of time-fractional STO equations with different initial approximations. q-HAETM offers us to modulate the range of convergence of the series solution using , called the auxiliary parameter or convergence control parameter. By performing appropriate numerical simulations, the effectiveness and reliability of the considered technique are validated. The implementation of the new integral transform called the Elzaki transform along with the reliable analytical technique called the q-homotopy analysis method to examine the time-fractional nonlinear STO equation displays the novelty of the presented work. The obtained findings show that the proposed method is very gratifying and examines the complex nonlinear challenges that arise in science and innovation.
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