Osun Worshipers in Osogbo: An Analysis of the Factors Influencing Participations of the Osun Festival in Southwestern Nigeria
Osun Worshipers in Osogbo: An Analysis of the Factors Influencing Participations of the Osun Festival in Southwestern Nigeria
This study investigates the factors influencing the Osun festival participation in southwestern Nigeria. Primary data was collected through questionnaire administration on members of the host communities. Secondary data on the number of buildings were obtained from the high-resolution satellite imagery and maps sourced from the Cooperative Information Network (COPINE) of the National Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA). A systematic sampling procedure was adopted to select 3% of the estimated 10,913 buildings within the designated zones in Osogbo based on the degree of homogeneity of the inhabitants. In this case, 327 respondents were sampled in Osogbo. Data collected were analyzed using Mean Index (MI) and Factor analysis (Principal component analysis). Findings revealed that 45 out of the 49 variables subjected to factor analysis contributed to explaining 79.8% variation of factors influencing participation in the Osun festival. They are categorized under four factors: Sociodemographic, Psychosocial, Basic Facilities/Amenities, and Environmental /Mobility Factors.
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