Bibliometrics of Brand-related Social Media Content
Bibliometrics of Brand-related Social Media Content
This study presents bibliometric analysis of brand-related content on social media. By filtering by topic in the WOS database, publications between 2000 and 2021 on two types of social media content, firm-generated content (FGC) and user-generated content (UGC), are examined. For FGC, 47 articles in the database are reviewed, while 3502 articles are included in the analysis for UGC. The research results found that while the FGC studies of the researchers mainly were “Business,” the UGC articles were “Computer Science Information Systems” predominantly. In addition, the journal that gives the most place to studies with the FGC topic is the Journal of Marketing. On the other hand, the journals New Media & Society and Sustainability published 46 articles each for UGC studies. As a result of the co-word network analysis, although there were five themes in the map of the FGC articles, more than ten themes were found in the map of the UGC articles. The research results are expected to shed light on researchers who will work on brand-related social media content in the following years.
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