A conceptual model for Muslim-friendly hotel entrepreneurship
A conceptual model for Muslim-friendly hotel entrepreneurship
Muslim-friendly tourism is one of the prominent topics in academic studies due to its potential returns and estimated market volume in recent years. Within this tourism type, customizing tourism products and services currently offered in the sector, rendering innovative tourism products and services needed by the customer segment, and profiting from the sale of these products and services are critical issues that need to be underlined. Although many studies have been carried out on Muslim-friendly hotels which are the essential dimensions of Muslim-friendly tourism, it is known that the studies investigating Muslim-friendly hotels in terms of entrepreneurship are limited in number, content, and scope. Therefore, it is aimed to carry out a conceptual analysis of Muslim-friendly hotel entrepreneurship and examine it under the main headings of the entrepreneurship field. Through the in-depth literature analysis, this study provided insights into the Muslim-friendly hotel entrepreneurship model. The Business Model Canvas, the success model, and the challenges of Muslim-friendly hotel entrepreneurship were produced. In addition to the importance of spiritual harmony between the entrepreneur and business concept, a supportive ecosystem was emphasized based on the designed conceptual model. The article was concluded with the implications for future research.
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