The Impact of ICT Instruction on Online Learning Readiness of Pre-Service Teachers

The Impact of ICT Instruction on Online Learning Readiness of Pre-Service Teachers

The present study aimed to investigate the impact of a course that included ICT skills on the online learning readiness of pre-service teachers in a completely distance education environment. In the research, single group pre-test post-test model was adopted. The study was conducted with 123 pre-service teachers. The E-Learning Readiness Scale for College Students was used to collect the data. Furthermore, the course academic achievement final scores of the participants were employed. The data collection process continued during the 2020-2021 academic year fall term. The study findings demonstrated that total online learning readiness and sub-dimension scores increased after the Information Technologies Course. It was found that there was no difference across the scores based on gender. The academic achievements of female students were higher. At the beginning of the term, it was revealed that ease of use, online learning readiness and computer self-efficacy, internet self-efficacy and learner control variables varied based on personal computer ownership. At the end of the term, both these variables and academic achievement did not differ across personal computer ownership. There was a correlation between the ease of use variable and online learning readiness both at the beginning and the end of the term. On the other hand, there was no correlation between the academic achievement and ease of use or online learning readiness. It could be suggested that the present study findings could contribute to future studies in terms of online learning readiness.


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