Postgraduate Theses on Digital Literacy in Turkey: A Content Analysis Study

Postgraduate Theses on Digital Literacy in Turkey: A Content Analysis Study

The purpose of this research is to reveal the research trends of postgraduate theses published in the field of digital literacy published in Turkey between 2015 and 2020. In this context, a total of 34 postgraduate theses on digital literacy published between 2015 and 2020 in the database of YÖK (Higher Education Institution) National Thesis Centre were examined. In the examination of the theses, the publication classification form including year, level, language, department, research method, research design, sample, the determination method of the sample, number of sample, data collection tool, data analysis techniques, research topic, and research results were used. According to the results of the research, it was determined that the number of studies published in the field of digital literacy increased until 2019 and decreased in 2020. It was also determined that these theses are generally carried out at the master's level and mostly regarding the department of Computer and Instructional Technology Education. Another finding was that common methods and designs used in these studies are the quantitative research method and descriptive and relational research design. Considering the sample in the theses, it was determined that pre-service teachers and university students constitute the sample and that the convenience sampling method is used. The topics were mainly about the examination of digital literacy level based on various variables and the highest digital literacy levels of secondary and high school students were found to be the highest in the results obtained.


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