Technology and English Language Teaching and Learning: A Content Analysis

Technology and English Language Teaching and Learning: A Content Analysis

Researchers over the past years have proven the positive effects of using information and communication technology in learning. This research work considers the digital nature of modern students associated with educational technologies and their importance in learning English through the medium best known to modern students. A review of related literature with a sole purpose of measuring the recent research trends on the contributions of innovative technology towards English language learning and teaching. To measure the trends on technology contributions in English teaching, quantitative content analysis method was employed for the purpose of this research where fifty academic articles published between the years 2000 – 2018 were considered for being relevant and available with full text open access and written in English language. Twenty-six of which from EBSCO and twenty four from Science Direct Database, under the title of social sciences: Teaching of English by innovative technology, obtained from the Near East University library, online resources, serve as the source of data collection. SPSS software will be the data analysis tool.


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