Google Classroom for Hybrid Learning in Senior High School

Google Classroom for Hybrid Learning in Senior High School

Disruptive technology in industrial revolution 4.0 iR4.0 has propagated the education sector to digitalize the teaching and learning process effectively and efficiently. However, some teachers still use paper-based worksheet assessment and teaching materials in conducting their teaching. The solution offered is to provide training on applying hybrid learning by integrating Google Classroom as a virtual classroom into a real classroom in which the teachers can also optimize the quality and quantity of learning in terms of materials or digital structured tasks. This study is conducted in two public high schools in Padang Panjang, West Sumatera, Indonesia that also engaged 18 teachers. It is a descriptive study that tries to describe the phenomena of using Google Classroom by applying Forum Group Discussion FGD and training method. Therefore, hybrid learning training by integrating Google Classroom is one of the most effective ways to improve the professional and pedagogic competence of teachers as well as digital competence.


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