Student Opinions Towards Blended Learning Environment Created According To Individual And Collaborative Study Preferences

Student Opinions Towards Blended Learning Environment Created According To Individual And Collaborative Study Preferences

The purpose of this study was to examine the opinions of students towards a blended learning environment, which is created according to individual and collaborative learning preferences of students. The study was based on the convergent parallel research design. In accordance with this research, firstly students were assigned to individual and collaborative groups according to their preferences. Learning activities with the same focus were applied to the groups in different ways. After six weeks of implementation process, students' opinions were collected by a questionnaire developed by researcher. The results showed that students’ opinions were generally positive about the blended learning environment, and also having education according to their own learning preferences had a positive impact on their opinions. Students also indicated that they would like to take further courses with blended approach. Besides, the positive and negative aspects of implementation were taken part in the study.


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