Apoptosis detection by TUNEL assay in BPH patients

Bu çalışmada benign prostat hiperplazisine sahip olan yaşlı erkeklerde apoptotik indeks hızındaki azalmayı göstermek amacı ile TUNEL yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Otuz sekiz prostat adenom kitlesi TUR-P sonrasında hastalarda alınmış ve hastaların 65 yaş veya üstü olmalarına göre gruplandınlmıştır. Apoptotik indeks, PSA seviyesi, IPSS ve yaşam kalitesi değerleri, her bir hasta için incelenmiştir. Hasta yaşı ve apoptoz arasında pozitif korelasyon saptanmıştır.

TUNEL yöntemi ile BPH hastalarında apoptoz tespiti

This study presents whether benign prostate growth in aging men correlates with a decrease in apoptotic rate, which were determined with terminal deoxnucleotidyl transferase mediated dUTP biotin nick end labelling (TUNEL). Thirty-eight prostate adenoma were taken from BPH patient who underwent TUR-P.The patient were devided two groups according to their age, 14 of them were under 65 years-old, the other 24 were over 65. Apoptotic indeces, PSA levels, IPSS-LQ, prostate tissue weight were evaluated in these two groups of patients. A significant higher apoptotic rate was observed in second group which contain prostatectomy speciment from patients over 65 age as compared under 65. There were positive correlation between the age and apoptotic rate in BPH patients.


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