Assessing Relationships between Emotional Intelligence, School Climate and School Counselors Burnout: A Structural Equation Model

The aims study to investigation the relationship between emotional intelligence, and positively school climate and counselor’s burnout:  a structural equal model. The design of the study is quantitative correlational. The sample consisted of 250 school counselors in Malang Raya, Indonesia. The techniques of collecting data used instruments emotional intelligence scale, school climate scale, and counselor burnout inventory. The technique of analyzing the data used Structural Equal Model assisted by Software Warp-PLS 6.0. The results of analysis showed that the evaluation model fit. The evaluation model fit index showed Average Path Coefficient 0.452, P<0.001, Average R – squared 0.606, P<0.001, Average Adjusted R – sqared of Fit 0.603, P<0.001, Average VIF 1.242, Average Full Collinearity VIF 2.036. Tenenhaus Goodness of Fit =0.632, Sympson’s Paradox Ratio 1.000, R – squared Contribution Ratio 1.000, Statistical Suppression Ratio 1.000, and Nonlinear Bivariate Causality Direction Ratio 1.000. The result showed the significant relationship between the emotional intelligence and school counselor burnout. And the significant relationship between the positively school climate and school counselor burnout. Based on total analysis result, it was known that the most dominant correlate variable to burnout was emotional intelligence The result of the present study have valuable implication for counselor increase emotional intelligence, and positively school climate.


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