COVID-19 Pandemi Sürecinde Dünyada Hemşirelik Eğitimi

Bu derlemede, COVID-19 pandemisi sırasında farklı ülkelerdeki hemşirelik okullarında,

Nursing Education in the World during the COVID-19 Pandemic

In this review, it is aimed to explain the practices performed in nursing schools in different countries during the COVID-19 pandemic in line with the current conditions in their countries, legal regulations, and the recommendations of professional institutions, and to present examples. The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has required rapid changes in the education method in nursing schools, innovation, flexibility, and rapid action. Theoretical courses conducted face-to-face in nursing education have been rapidly transferred to online platforms. In many parts of the world, the clinical learning of the students has been canceled, considering the uncertainty of the virus structure, the supply of personal protection equipment, health insurance, and educator supervision. For this reason, developing the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that students can gain through clinical learning has been the most difficult issue in nursing education all over the world. The transition to online education has required schools to develop strategies to encourage student participation and to make changes in exam procedures and grading. At the same time, educators had to offer students alternative clinical experiences and redefine how to evaluate student performance. Nursing school deans and nurse educators have taken into account many factors such as organizing the infrastructure in schools, planning clinical learning requirements for nursing students, ensuring the sustainability of accreditation standards to ensure the continuity of nursing education and maintain its quality during the pandemic. Necessary regulations in education should be made urgently to train competent health professionals in combatting epidemics.


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