Aile içi şiddetin haberlerde yer bulma oranı ile temsilindeki sorunları ortaya koymayı amaçlayan bu makalede, seçilen gazetelerde kadına yönelik şiddet konusunda yayınlanan haberlerin niceliksel ve niteliksel metin analizinin içerik ve söylemsel açıdan değerlendirilmesi sunulmaktadır. Haberlerde hangi tür şiddet olaylarının ağırlıkta olduğu ve nasıl sunulduğu, hangi kaynaklara dayanıldığı ve olayın katılımcılarının kimler olduğu, nasıl tanımlandığı ve görselleştirildiğine ilişkin veriler, seçilen haber malzemelerinin eleştirel analiziyle desteklenmektedir.Anahtar Kelimeler: Kadına Yönelik Şiddet, Aile İçi Şiddet, Habercilik, Temsil.REPRESENTATION OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE IN THE NEWSThis article aims to demonstrate the rate of domestic violence news and the problems related to its representation. It basically presents the news on violence against women published in the selected newspapers and its quantitative and qualitative analysis which is evaluated from the perspective of context and concept. Data about what type of domestic violence incidents are more in number, how they are represented, what sources are cited, who takes part in incidents as well as the words and photos used to portray the offenders and victims are underpinned along with a critical analysis of the selected material.Keywords: Violence Against Women, Domestic Violence, Journalism, Representation.


This article aims to demonstrate the rate of domestic violence news and the problems related to its representation. It basically presents the news on violence against women published in the selected newspapers and its quantitative and qualitative analysis which is evaluated from the perspective of context and concept. Data about what type of domestic violence incidents are more in number, how they are represented, what sources are cited, who takes part in incidents as well as the words and photos used to portray the offenders and victims are underpinned along with a critical analysis of the selected material


  • Altun, Abdülrezak (2006). Türk Basınının Değişen Yüzü, Ankara: BYEGM ya- yınları.