The Effect of Altruism Behavior, Peer Support and Leader Support on Employee Voice

Purpose – Employees spend a significant part of their daily routines and lives at workplace. Accordingly, the expectations of employees from their workplaces, employers, supervisors or managers may be high during their working life. When the employees, the most important and valuable elements of the workplace, receive support from their peers and leaders, and when they possess altruism behavior, they will exhibit voice behaviors, thus not only increasing their own welfare but also contributing to the development and profitability of the workplace. Therefore, in this study, it was aimed to determine the effect of altruism as a behavior, peer support and leader support on employee voice. Design/methodology/approach – Quantitative research method was preferred and questionnaire technique was used in the study. The data were obtained from the employees working in Bolu Forest Regional Directorate and Forest Management Directorates affiliated to Bolu Forest Regional Directorate. Findings – As a result of the research, it was found that altruism behavior, peer support and leader support have a positive and significant effect on employee voice. In terms of demographic characteristics of the employees, it was seen that voice behaviors tend to significantly vary depending on job title and level of education. Discussion – Increasing useful voice behavior around the organization is possible with the support of peers and leader. Also altruism, which is a desired individual feature from humanity, supports voice behavior as an intrinsic motivation.


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