The Development of Science Learning Device Based on Serukam Local Culture To Improve Students’ Analytical Skill

As educator of the generations to continue the nation, teachers have an important role as facilitator of strength and motivation in the development of the attitude required for the attainment of educational objectives and goals. They could have an influence on their students with what they teach. Therefore, they need to be innovative in delivering their teaching to learners in order that the teaching and learning process becomes more meaningful and results in quality education. In a piece of research, a learning kit with local culture as basis and developed with the purpose of improving students’ analytical skills has been found to be valid and effective in use. The learning kit consists of a learning execution plan, a students’ work sheet, and an evaluation instrument. The research was Research and Development in design and used the model named ADDIE with the letters in the name standing for Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation to represent the research stages. The research subjects were junior high school students of the grade officially called Grade VII with 31 of them serving as the experimental class. The research instruments were a validation sheet, an analytical skill test, The research used test and non-test data collection techniques. According to the validation results, the IPA learning kit developed in the research with Serukam local culture as basis was declared valid by an experts’ team of validators. The research results indicated that the learning kit was effective in use in relation with students’ analytical skills. It was indicated by results of analysis of data obtained before and after the learning period, which showed that the gain score for students’ analytical skills was 0.54, which was medium in category, Therefore, the learning kit developed as the final product of the research already meets the criteria for being valid and effective to use to improve students’ analytical skills.


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