The Development of Problem-Based Quantum Learning Model in Elementary Schoolin

The aim of this study is to develop Quantum Learning problem based model in elementary school. The method of this research is a research and development method by Borg and Gall simplified by Sukmadinata. The steps of development processes are preliminary research, developing, and testing. The instruments used are interview guide, observation guide and test. The steps are arranging the first draft, limited trials, and extensive trials. The steps of model testing are pre-test treatment post-test. The technique is simple random sampling. The result it can enhance the ability to solve the problem. Based on the result of the research and discussion, it can be concluded that (1) this model is able to increase the students problem solving skill,(2) this model is one of learning innovation which improve students activeness in learning activity. The result of this development could be used as an alternative learning innovation through learning model to improve students cognitive and noncognitive skills.


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